Thursday 17 November 2016

Pieta House Production

After the pitch to the Pieta House member my idea was chosen to go forward with and so I was put in charge and was teamed up with Emma and Niamh. I will be making entries to the blog on the direction and progress of the project.

Week One

For this week I have asked Niamh to go and design some background concepts as she is a background Artist with the hopes of her taking it and setting up the layout comp in AfterFx and Emma will be doing the Animation with me.
I will also be researching the best way to do the Animation. I will be looking at the differences of setting up Rigs in Flash and Toonboom and any alternatives that will help speed up production.

I have also set up a Facebook group for us to communicate as well as setting up a Google drive for us to share files more easily.

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