Wednesday 12 October 2016

Video Research

the into to this video where the creature are under water was an interesting shot and i want to try and incorporate it at the start of the animation, i also noticed that it stands out to the rest of the video so it made me think of doing this section of my animation differently to the rest of it.

The reason I chose this video was because it is a compilation of many different videos taken by people in various parts of Russia where a meteor big enough to be very noticeable struck the Earth. From it I was able to get a clear idea of what an actual meteor strike looks and sounds like and this was great help when boarding out the meteor scene in the animation.

In all Gozilla and most dinosaur movies there is an iconic shot where we first see the feet of the creature and the rest of it is revealed in a slow pan up its body zoomed in on its face and usually ends with a roar. I wanted to include this in the animation for the reveal of the Dinosaur and then again later by mimicking the same shot for the reveal for what the dinosaur has turned into as another way to reinforce that it is the same character.

This video is a chase scene shot in first person so i was able to use some of the shots as reference.

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