Sunday 9 October 2016

Getting Started.


For this project I wanted to showcase my Character Animation skills and after talking with Dean Gordon (DG) who wanted to showcase his background skills, we decided to partner up.
We both knew we wanted to have a variation of characters and backgrounds so DG had the idea of a story that would start at the dawn of time and end in present day with the character travelling through all the different era's in time. I then decided that the Character would start out as an Amoeba and would evolve as they visited all the time periods and it became a story about evolution, the evolution of earth and the evolution of life.
Once we had the general idea of what we wanted to do, we both did Separate word-weds to try flesh out the story some more and have a broader vision.  

We then went off and wrote 3 outlines each without discussing them until we where done. Once we had read each others outlines, we come up with an outline that myself and DG where happy with. 


>Opens to a meteor crashing through the sky and splashing into a body of water.

>As the meteor is sinking down into the water, lots of little amoeba like creature light up and begin to detach from   it.

>Camera zooms in on one of the creature's as it cycles through some evolutionary stages.

>It then pops out of the water in a lizard like form.

>It begins to walk on an adventure through time as it and the landscape is evolving through many different era's.

>It comes across an egg and destroys it but then the mother, a dinosaur, sets chase on the creature.

>This causes the creature to evolve into a bipedal form as it needs to run away.

>The chase comes to a stop as time hits present day and the character in its human form hits a Dead end.

>Main character turns in anticipation only to see that the dinosaurs has devolved into a chicken. End.

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