Friday 23 December 2016

Pieta House Production

Week 6

So for this week I got some of the animation done and have asked that Niamh practice working in After fx and have some thumbnails as I have only seen two by now and they dont work with the animation. I have also asked that she work on more assets and have all the work sent to me by the 5th of January so comp work could be started for when we get back and that she continuously uploads her work to the drive for me to see.
I asked that Emma write a script and send it to Catherine to make sure its okay with her. I suggested that she look at what is happening in the animation and try time/base what she is saying around it while getting the necessary information out. I also asked that she get some different types of music for the same date above. 

Thursday 15 December 2016

Pieta House Production

Week 5

For this week Niamh has done a background and I asked that she make some changes to better suit the animation because hers was to imposing and would have block out a lot of the animation. I gave her another template to work with.

I have now asked Emma to do the Voice over, Sound and Editing instead because she has not begun work on the keyframes and I cant be sure if she will/can do it.

For this week I built the rig for the character that Catherine choose and I will begin the keyframes and animation.

Sunday 11 December 2016

I wanted to have a scene in the animation that had the background changing from one era to another while the character also evolved to try show that time was passing by. The GIF above gave me the idea of having the character tripping over himself as he morphed.

(Roughing out the animation)

Friday 9 December 2016

Background and KeyFrame Mocks

As the production has been progressing I have been drawing up and sending DG mocks images for him to work off while doing the backgrounds. This is to help give him a clear idea of the type of shot and animation I have in mind for the scene.

Pieta House Production

Week 4

Unfortunately for this week we didn't have anything new besides the rigs to show Catherine but we discussed some things and have decided to do a voice over instead of the text boxes to make it more accessible and have picked the female design for the Pieta House character.

After that was done I went through how to set up a 3D environment in AfterFx with Niamh and sent her a tutorial she could follow so that she could start it when the background was designed and asked her to thumbnails some designs asap.

I also went through the animation process with Emma again to make sure she new what she was doing and asked that she have the walk keyframed by next week.

Tutorial I sent Emma that shows the animation process for if she gets stuck.

Wednesday 7 December 2016




(Artist goes by Brakken)

Background Development

Dean Gordon (DG) will be doing the backgrounds on our project so we talked and settled on a similar style to the ones Scott Wills did for samurai jack. I wanted to get a few images for each location and send them to DG so he understood what kind of visuals I had in mind for the project.

For the first location we settled on a red palette. The idea is to arrive on a desolate planet that is destroying itself with molten lava and and acid water.
(Loc1, Red)

In the second location the acid water transforms into fresh river water and the character emerges into a lush green jungle full of plant-life.  
(Loc2, Green)

The third location is the only one to have a slow transition so we went with a colour close to green, yellow. We then decided on an Arabian theme which felt like a good way to ease into civilization 
(Loc3, Yellow)

For the last location we went with a SciFi city set a night time so we could do a Pink and Blue colour palette to pop out from the rest.
(Loc4 Pink /Blue)

Thursday 1 December 2016

Pieta House Production

Week 3

This week I have had a look at Niamh's background drawings and asked that she do more thumbnails as 1 was not enough, then when she had done more that she start drawing up some assets such as different Tree, Mountain and Ground designs. That way it would be a lot quicker to apply them to the thumbnails and change any layout designs and we can start comping in AfterFx a lot sooner. I have also asked that she look at this website as the artist work is good reference showing the process I want her to follow through with. 
As for the animation, I got the main character rig sorted and have made a Flash file for Emma containing the rig and the Animatic with all the settings set up so she can focus on getting the key-framing done right away. After talking to the tutors, Kevin and Tracy, I have also asked that she concentrate on a specific section (The walking section) and have it sent to me as quick as possible as I want to start clean up so that there will be a sample ready for when Catherine comes in the following week.

Notes For BackGround...
Character Rigs...