Wednesday 7 December 2016

Background Development

Dean Gordon (DG) will be doing the backgrounds on our project so we talked and settled on a similar style to the ones Scott Wills did for samurai jack. I wanted to get a few images for each location and send them to DG so he understood what kind of visuals I had in mind for the project.

For the first location we settled on a red palette. The idea is to arrive on a desolate planet that is destroying itself with molten lava and and acid water.
(Loc1, Red)

In the second location the acid water transforms into fresh river water and the character emerges into a lush green jungle full of plant-life.  
(Loc2, Green)

The third location is the only one to have a slow transition so we went with a colour close to green, yellow. We then decided on an Arabian theme which felt like a good way to ease into civilization 
(Loc3, Yellow)

For the last location we went with a SciFi city set a night time so we could do a Pink and Blue colour palette to pop out from the rest.
(Loc4 Pink /Blue)

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