Sunday 15 January 2017

Pieta House Production

Week 9

Once the background was done and Niamh uploaded the psd file I started to do comp work, I had made sure that Niamh did all the layer's seperate to make this process easier. I started off by adding a tree wipe to start off the animation. I brightened the background with a Light burst overlay and added some edge burns to some of the tree's to give a textured highlight. I then did a Gradient (Yellow to Magenta) overlay set to soft light over the foreground and animation to make it feel a bit more grounded and cohesive. After that I animated a glow for the phone in the upside down by duplicating the layer, adding a colour mask and placing a Gaussian blur on top of it with this layer place behind the original, I also used a similar process for the eye glow but because it was to be placed on top of animation I had a separate alpha where I had gotten rid of all the animation except for the eyes which was very easy to do because I had the head set up as a symbol and didn't have to change it frame by frame. The last thing I did was add some particle effects, this was something new to me so I just played around with the settings, trying different styles and overlaying the different styles until I got the look I wanted. I also tried adding sun rays to the upright world but it didn't look right so I decided to leave it out of the final clip. 

(Before Comp)

 (After comp, variations)

(Tree wipe and Assets)

Once I had done this I exported the video file and sent it to Emma for editing! :)

(Video Tutorials to help with comp)

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