Friday 20 January 2017

Pieta House Production

Week 10

After showing the video at the presentation there were some suggestions on how to make it better, like having some cuts closer to the characters, having the opening be a camera move through a forest and the addition of some logos and better fonts. I chose to do the last two suggestions but decided not to have any cuts as I felt it would ruin the flow and simplicity of the clip.

To have an opening with a camera coming through the forest I had to extend the background which I did in photoshop, then I drew up some singular tree's and imported them all into the comp and lay them out in the 3-D environment. Originally I had the tree's static while the camera moved towards the animation but this looked very odd because the dual worlds meant that the base of the trees was in the middle of the screen making it hard to register what was actually happening and any type of camera move I tried didn't seem to help. So I decide to take a few trees out, add in the tree swipe animation from the original opening and have a simple camera pan with some easing and having a combination of the both openings worked a lot better. 

(3-D environment) 

I had also e-mailed Catherine about a preferred font and asked for an EPS file for the pieta house logo. Once I had them and the Colaiste Dhulaigh logo the video was re-edited and had the last frame extended so the ending wasn't so abrupt.

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