Friday 7 April 2017

Background Development

Below is an example of some images that I sent DG that I think could be helpful to him for doing the city backgrounds with some notes.
(Akira, Atey Ghailan )

I also suggested that DG look at the film Akira (Video One) for design reference. I think the film has some really amazing background that show the scope and lived in feel of a city. 
Then the "Easy" music video (Video Two)  has some solid reference because its design was inspired by Akira but it has a similar colour palette to our city BG's.
Video One 

Video Two

The last thing I sent him was this video by the Nerdwriter who breaks down the city scene in Ghost in a Shell. He discusses how it expands and draws attention to the viewers perception of space within the BG's and everything in the city is an echo of and emphasis the themes of the movie. I think DG could do something similar with the Evolution theme we have and  draw attention to something that helps echo the characters attributes depending on which stage of evolution he is at, for example Human=intelligence (have things in the city the show intelligence and draw attention to them) and so on. This is something I have tried to think ahead with when coming up with the shots so hopefully he can work off and improve upon this idea.

Video Three

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