Sunday 2 April 2017

S.W.O.T Updated Design

For the new caricatured version of myself I decided to take inspiration from the character of 2-Face from the Batman series and do a "2 sides of me" drawing that I think works well with the positive and negatives of a S.w.o.t analysis. I wanted to try have a call back or visual cohesion with my logo so I did a silhouette for the negative side and for the positive I mixed my 2 preferred drawings into one design to get a caricature that I thought worked well with the silhouette.  

(My drawings + Screencap from a Batman animated film, noted with pink star)

For the S.W.O.T design I stuck with the one layout and just tried different styles of backgrounds and text boxes to try get a look that matched well with the branding design.

(S.W.O.T Designs)

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