Sunday 9 April 2017

Work Experience, Freelance Jobs

While in college as a way to make some money on the side I decided I wanted to do freelance work. I asked some friends in a Business course to let people know I would be able to do logo's and general brand design and from there I started to get some work. The first bit of work I got was designing a logo for a start up call Agri Grow Lights. I began by working with Brian Rielly, the comany founder, on a rough design just to make sure we both were on the same page for how the logo should look.
(Rough Design)

From there I cleaned up and refined the logo design as well as doing some various colour options checking in with Brian all the time to make sure he was happy with the progress.

(Refined and Colours)

One I had the refined design and colour's worked out with Brian, I did a digital copy which they were very happy with.

(Final Logo [2015])

(Example of other Designs, Hand'e Wraps [2015], Mad about Horror Blog [2016])

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