Monday 3 April 2017

Skills Audit, Research and Design

For the skills audit I wanted to design a chart to visually demonstrate my level in each skill. After looking at many different designs, I decided I wanted to keep it simple and do a Bar or Flow chart. 

(Examples of the types of chart design I wanted to do) 

The picture below is of a chart layout that I really liked done by past pupil, Jack Banks. It is a great design that is still very easily readable and I thought it fit well with what I had in mind, with the 2 toned colours for the different skill types, the use of the icons and textured background

(Skills Audit by Jack Banks)

Again, I made sure that the look of the chart was synonymous with the rest of the brand design. I used the same colour palette and textures. I also created a Z-brush and 3DsMax logo that had the same design style of the adobe software icons to keep the design looking cohesive. 

(My Designs)

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