Saturday 8 April 2017

Work Experience, Pieta House

Working with a client
For work experience I worked on and pitched an idea for a web short to Pieta House centered around their bereavement service. For the pitch I created an animatic, character design's and some concepts for the overall design and presented some referenced material to give the client a clear understanding of what to expect.
(Pitch Content)

Working with a team
After pitching my idea it was picked to be developed and I was teamed up with 2 more people. My job was to direct them in making the animated web short and assign them and myself work. To make sure the production ran efficiently, I set up a google drive to share documents and a facebook page for us to communicate on while giving deadlines to each task.

(Examples of working with a team)

During the production of the short I also made sure to communicate with the client to make sure the work we where producing was what they wanted.

(Example of client Interaction)

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